Sunday, August 10, 2014

And Then I Was Living in a Bus

10 days sans television, and I'm starting to rethink my life. Great.

So, here's my the story of why I'm probably going to end up living in a bus:

I turned off the television. With time on my hands and a quiet house, I started cleaning and organizing. While cleaning in silence, I thought, "Holy hot pockets, we have a lot of stuff!" Then I remembered a documentary I had watched a couple months ago about tiny houses. I had thought it was pretty interesting at the time and decided to do some internetting on the subject. I surfed, clicked, and scrolled myself into an utter frenzy of anti-materialism. "These people are doing it right," I thought. Before long, my little laptop shown me all the websites I could find on tiny houses and the tiny house movement. But my huge appetite for tiny was not yet satisfied, so naturally, I took to Pinterest. Pinterest was filled with small home plans, ways to live comfortably in small spaces, floor plans, small home designs, etc, etc. Then I came a cross a minimalist blog called, naturally, TheMinimalists. I loved it! I read about 20 posts in one sitting. (They are pretty short, so it didn't take as long as it may seem.) I was thoroughly inspired. So I started purging…this is still in progress, but I was thrilled with my new-found motivation to simplify and get rid of stuff. And then I found the bus. Apparently, there are people who have converted school and commercial busses into homes. Um, I LOVED this! Why not? Live in a bus with only the stuff that you need. No mortgage, no bills, go wherever you want. Clearly, I should have been living in the 1970's. Well, I grabbed my laptop and bound across the house to share this grand idea to the husband. He, alas, did not share my enthusiasm. At. all. 

So, I'll keep working on him, and hopefully, not long from now, we will have sold/donated everything we own and moved into a school bus. I don't see how this could turn out badly.

In all seriousness, the sites that I referenced are extremely interesting, helpful, and great. A tiny house may not work for everyone, but if it does, I think it's awesome. If anything, the concept of living a life unburdened by possessions and, rather, filled with relationships and passions is a worthy pursuit and one that I hope to implement more and more.
And I really am not totally opposed to living in a bus. :)

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